




Reply to Get the word "Month", "Day", "Week" localized
Finally found the solution by myself with:extension Calendar { /// get a calendar configured with the language of the user static var localized: Calendar { let prefLanguage = Locale.preferredLanguages[0] var calendar = Calendar(identifier: .gregorian) calendar.locale = Locale(identifier: prefLanguage) return calendar } func unitTitle(_ unit: NSCalendar.Unit, value: Int = 1, locale: Locale? = nil) -> String { let emptyString = String() let date = Date() let component = getComponent(from: unit) guard let sinceUnits = component, value: value, to: date) else { return emptyString } let timeInterval = sinceUnits.timeIntervalSince(date) let formatter = DateComponentsFormatter() formatter.calendar = self formatter.allowedUnits = [unit] formatter.unitsStyle = .full guard let string = formatter.string(from: timeInterval) else { return emptyString } return string.replacingOccurrences(of: String(value), with: emptyString).trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces).capitalized } // swiftlint:disable:next cyclomatic_complexity private func getComponent(from unit: NSCalendar.Unit) -> Component { let component: Component switch unit { case .era: component = .era case .year: component = .year case .month: component = .month case .day: component = .day case .hour: component = .hour case .minute: component = .minute case .second: component = .second case .weekday: component = .weekday case .weekdayOrdinal: component = .weekdayOrdinal case .quarter: component = .quarter case .weekOfMonth: component = .weekOfMonth case .weekOfYear: component = .weekOfYear case .yearForWeekOfYear: component = .yearForWeekOfYear case .nanosecond: component = .nanosecond case .calendar: component = .calendar case .timeZone: component = .timeZone default: component = .calendar } return component } }And the use is:Calendar.localized.unitTitle(.day) Calendar.localized.unitTitle(.weekofMonth) Calendcar.localized.unitTitle(.month)
May ’20