I am having intermittent crashes when the user taps on a Searchbar and the keyboard tries to be displayed. Most of the time, there is not a problem except for when after the user loads a specific view and then taps the searchbar. The app crashes as the keyboard is displayed.
MMS35iPad 3-31-22, 12-48 PM.crash
I attached the crash output from the device log. I think i understand it is a memory access issue but I don't understand what is triggering the crash.
I am testing directly to an ipad device. This seems to be a new behavior as the bug has only been recently reported and the app has been production use for years.
I have an enterprise app that on 95% of devices, I can trust, verify and run the app . On the other 5% the app remains not verified after using the verify app button. The 2 devices I am testing with are both are running ipadOS 17.3.1. The one that can verify the app is a ipad pro (11-inch) and the other is an ipad pro (12.9-inch). I follow the exact same steps on both devices and the 11-inch always verifies and the 12.9-inch never verifies. On the ipad that does not verify, when I try to open the app I get a popup saying "unable to verify app An internet connection is required to verify trust of the developer" when the ipad has a valid internet connection.