




"Use mobile data" setting while connected to Wi-Fi with no internet
Hello. I'm struggling with an issue and I couldn't find any documentation regarding it. My case: I'm connected through Wi-Fi to a camera that provides me video feed. Meanwhile, my app is trying to send relevant information about images to the API. Issue: Because Wi-Fi (my camera) is not connected to the internet, I'm getting that popup from the system:  "The Wi-Fi Network does not appear to be connected to the internet. Do you want to temporarily use mobile data? Options: Use mobile data | Keep Trying Wi-Fi". If I press Keep trying Wi-Fi, I'm never gonna see that system pop up again. WHAT setting is this popup changing and how can I reset it in order to get that pop-up again? I need the user to always choose the USE MOBILE DATA option every time, but IF by mistake he chooses to Keep Trying Wi-Fi, I can't anymore change that setting. How can I reset that setting?
Feb ’23
JSONEncoder ASCII encoding issue
Hi, I discovered a weird issue with iOS 17. Everything is working fine on iOS 16. Encoding an ASCII string with JSONEncoder is not working from iOS 17. For example: I have an image, convert it to a string using ASCII encoding, and then, add this string into an object. I take that object and using JSONEncoder, I try to encode it to send It to the server. Result: On iOS16: Everything works as expected. Example of my image after encoding: ÿØÿà\0\u{10}JFIF\0\u{01}\u{02}\u{01}\0H\0H\0\0ÿá\u{0C}\u{10}Exif\0\0MM\0*\0\0\0\u{08}\0\u{06}\u{01}\u{12}\0\u{03}\0\0\0\u{01}\0\u{03}\0\0\u{01}\u{1A}\0\u{05}\0\0\0\u{01}\0\0\0V\u{01}\u{1B}\0\u{05}\0\0\0\u{01}\0\0\0^\u{01}(\0\u{03}\0\0\0\u{01}\0\u{02}\0\0\u{02}\u{13}\0\u{03}\0\0\0\u{01}\0\u{01}\0\0 i\0\u{04}\0\0\0\u{01}\0\0\0f\0\0\0À\0\0\0H\0\0\0\u{01}\0\0\0H\0\0\0\u{01}\0\u{07} \0\0\u{07}\0\0\0\u{04}................ on iOS17: I received a cut string Example of my image after encoding: ÿØÿà Just that. It's stops at \0 Am I missing something?
Oct ’23