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In the Metal Feature Set Tables (Metal 3 v3, June 6, 2022), the GPU texture capabilities by pixel format section lists under Packed 32-bit pixel formats a “RG4B10Float” format. What the heck is RG4B10Float? A quick Google search reveals no results other than the Metal Feature Set Tables. There's no results in Apple's code Documentation. Metal.framework's MTLPixelFormat.h also has no mentions of it. The obvious answer: It's a typo. But the question is, a typo for what? I'm in the middle of picking which packed texture formats to use for Metal project, and would love to know if there's more multi-platform-friendly format options than I'm currently aware of. Also, my other intent— assuming it is a typo and not some new undocumented type, how do we gain the notice of the Metal documentation people?
by capnslipp.
Last updated