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Does StoreKit offer an option for a product that combines auto-renewable and consumable features? Specifically, I'm referring to a scenario where a user subscribes to a product and receives 100 tokens each month. If the user exhausts these tokens within the month, they must wait until the next month to receive another 100 tokens. Essentially, the user cannot access the product if they deplete the monthly allocation of tokens provided by the auto-renewable subscription. In this setup, the 100-token package per month constitutes the auto-renewable aspect, while the tokens themselves represent the consumable part. Is there a straightforward solution available within StoreKit for implementing this functionality? If not, what would be the recommendation?
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I am facing a challenge in SwiftUI and would appreciate some guidance. In my code, I'm working with a NavigationPath() object and need to obtain the last two items from the stack by using the properties of this object. Specifically, this operation should occur within a view named SomeView, which is deep in the navigation stack. Inside the action closure of a Button within SomeView, I want to assign the last two items of the navigationControl.path to a let constant if they exist. I've scoured various sources for a solution, but unfortunately, I haven't found one that fits my requirements. It is crucial that the last two items are obtained from the navigationControl variable retrieved from the environment. While I am aware that these items can be obtained by injecting them into SomeView during its instantiation at the parent view, this approach is not acceptable in my case. To provide a comprehensive overview of the project, I've attached relevant code snippets from other files as well. // SomeView.swift import SwiftUI struct SomeView: View { @Environment(NavigationControl.self) private var navigationControl: NavigationControl var body: some View { Button("Tap to get the last two items in NavigationStack") { // Not sure what to write here. // It must be something like the following options just to illustrate what is desired: // let lastItem = navigationControl.path.last() // let lastItem = navigationControl.path[navigationControl.path.count] // However, neither of them are defined. // Note that only the last item assignemnt is shown here. However, it is desired to get the last two items from path. } } } #Preview { NavigationStack { SomeView() .environment(NavigationControl()) } } // NavigationControl.swift import SwiftUI @Observable class NavigationControl { var path = NavigationPath() } // ContentView.swift import SwiftUI struct ContentView: View { @Environment(NavigationControl.self) private var navigationControl: NavigationControl var body: some View { @Bindable var navigationControl = navigationControl NavigationStack(path: $navigationControl.path) { Button("Navigate") { for i in 1..<5 { navigationControl.path.append(i) } } .navigationTitle("Root View") .navigationDestination(for: Int.self) { number in SomeView() } } } } #Preview { NavigationStack { ContentView() .environment(NavigationControl()) } } // NavigationPathLastElementApp.swift import SwiftUI @main struct NavigationPathLastElementApp: App { @State var navigationControl = NavigationControl() var body: some Scene { WindowGroup { ContentView() .environment(navigationControl) } } } Any insights or suggestions on how to achieve this would be highly appreciated. Many thanks in advance for your assistance!
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I am following the iOS App Dev Tutorials on Adopting Swift concurrency and Persisting data. On Adopting Swift concurrency, it is mentioned that we can call an asynchronous function using the await keyword. Because the asynchronous function can suspend execution, we can use await only in asynchronous contexts, such as inside the body of another asynchronous function. Adopting Swift concurrency, it is also mentioned that we can create a new asynchronous context with a Task to call asynchronous functions from a synchronous context. Based on this information, I concluded that the main added value of a Task is to enable calling an asynchronous function in a synchronous context. On Persisting data, a Task object is created inside the declaration block of an asynchronous function: func load() async throws { let task = Task<[DailyScrum], Error> { let fileURL = try Self.fileURL() guard let data = try? Data(contentsOf: fileURL) else { return [] } let dailyScrums = try JSONDecoder().decode([DailyScrum].self, from: data) return dailyScrums } let scrums = try await task.value self.scrums = scrums } I didn't understand why it was necessary to create task. Based on what I learned from Adopting Swift concurrency, the context of load() is already asynchronous. Therefore, we can simply call asynchronous functions without the need to create a Task object. When I tried to run the code by removing the task, the app still worked the same, or at least that was my perception. I believe that there is another reason to use Task in this example other than just enabling calling asynchronous functions. However, this was not explicitly explained in the tutorials. Could you please explain why we use Task here? What is the added value and how it would improve the behavior of this app? Please keep in mind that I am a complete beginner and had no idea about what concurrency was two weeks ago. In case deleting task would not change anything, could you please confirm that my initial understanding was correct?
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