Hi! I need to transfer an app, which is already available in the App Store, from one developer to another.
The new developer account (one to receive the app) has problems building the app for the local testing iPhone device, Xcode giving the error messages:
"Failed to register bundle identifier"
(The app identifier "com.app.name" cannot be registered to your development team because it is not available. Change your bundle identifier to a unique string to try again.)
"No profiles for 'com.app.name' were found"
(Xcode couldn't find any iOS App Development provisioning profiles matching 'com.app.name')"
Obviously, Bundle ID isn't unique, as the app already exists on the App Store, but he's only trying to build for the local iPhone to preview the app.
I need to be sure the new developer will be able to compile/build the application before we initiate the transfer of the app from one account to another. Also, the new dev has not yet paid for the APPLE DEVELOPER PROGRAM.
Should we change the Bundle ID temporarily to be able to test the app?
Thank you in advance!