HLS live streaming 4k is not displaying any video, but is streaming audio.
Getting the following errors in the console where it shows that it is failing to decode every frame.
Can I get some help as to what these error codes refer to and why it would fail to decode?
08:30:42.675879-0800 videocodecd AppleAVD: AppleAVDDecodeFrameInternal(): avdDec - Frame# 3588, DecodeFrame failed with error: 0x196
08:30:42.675908-0800 videocodecd AppleAVD: AppleAVDDisplayCallback(): Asking fig to drop frame # 3588 with err -12909 - internalStatus: 315
08:30:42.697412-0800 videocodecd AppleAVD: AppleAVDDecodeFrameResponse(): Frame# 3589 DecodeFrame failed with error 0x00000196
08:30:42.697876-0800 videocodecd AppleAVD: AppleAVDDecodeFrameInternal(): failed - error: 406