




Reply to The customized GPX file for Xcode 16 cannot be selected.
Having the same issue. In the meantime, I am using a small Bash script that takes a GPX file as an argument and sends the locations within that file once a second to the simulator. Here it is in case anyone needs it: `#!/bin/bash # Function to send the coordinates to the Xcode simulator send_coordinate_to_simulator() { latitude=$1 longitude=$2 echo "Sending coordinate: Latitude = $latitude, Longitude = $longitude" xcrun simctl location booted set "$latitude","$longitude" } # Function to extract coordinates from the GPX file and send them to the simulator simulate_gpx_coordinates() { gpx_file=$1 # Use grep and awk to extract latitude and longitude from the GPX file # Assuming the <wpt> elements in GPX look like: <wpt lat="***" lon="yyy"> while true; do grep "<wpt" "$gpx_file" | while read -r line ; do latitude=$(echo "$line" | awk -F'"' '{print $2}') longitude=$(echo "$line" | awk -F'"' '{print $4}') # Send the coordinates to the simulator send_coordinate_to_simulator "$latitude" "$longitude" # Wait for 1 second before sending the next coordinate sleep 1 done # When the loop finishes, it will start again from the beginning echo "Restarting simulation from the first coordinate..." done } # Function to handle script termination on Ctrl+C (SIGINT) handle_exit() { echo -e "\nStopping location simulation. Exiting..." exit 0 } # Trap Ctrl+C (SIGINT) and call handle_exit trap handle_exit SIGINT # Check if a GPX file was provided as an argument if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then echo "Usage: $0 <path_to_gpx_file>" exit 1 fi gpx_file=$1 # Check if the GPX file exists if [[ ! -f "$gpx_file" ]]; then echo "GPX file not found: $gpx_file" exit 1 fi # Simulate the GPX coordinates in an infinite loop simulate_gpx_coordinates "$gpx_file"`
Oct ’24