I added a property called order to the types I want to move.
here is my moveList method which is called when a user moves a list item in my app.
There's still an issue when moving items down but it works for the most part.
private func moveList(from source: IndexSet, to destination: Int) {
filteredLists.lists.count > 1
else {
debugPrint("Source: \(source), destination: \(destination)")
let sourceList = getList(at: source)
debugPrint("Source List: \(sourceList.name) to position \(destination)")
let dropIndex = destination <= 0 ? 0 : destination < filteredLists.lists.count ? destination : destination - 1
debugPrint("dropIndex: \(dropIndex)")
let dropList = filteredLists.lists[dropIndex]
let isMovingUp = destination < sourceList.order
dropList.order = isMovingUp ? dropList.order + 1 : dropList.order - 1
debugPrint("Drop Location: \(dropList.name), position: \(dropList.order)")
sourceList.order = destination
debugPrint("Source List: \(sourceList.name) to position \(sourceList.order)")