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Hi, I'm trying to get this example working on MacOS now that SFSpeechRecognizer is available for the platform. A few questions ... Do I need to make an authorization request of the user if I intend to use "on device recognition"? When I ask for authorization to use speech recognition the dialog that pops up contains text that's not in my speech recognition usage description indicating that recordings will be sent to Apple's servers. But that is not accurate if I am using on device recognition (as far as I can tell). Is there a way to suppress that language if I am not using online speech recognition? Is there an updated example of the article I linked to that describes how to accomplish the same thing with MacOS instead of IOS? My compiler is complaining that AVAudioSession() is not available in MacOS and I'm not sure how to set things up for passing audio from the microphone to the speech recognizer. Thanks :-D Brian Duffy
by brduffy.
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My IAP submission has had a status of "processing" for 4 days now. Should I be concerned? I can't delete the IAP and start again. Also, I'm confused about whether I can successfully submit IAP's without submitting the app itself. I want to test downloading hosted content before submitting the app. ThanksBrian Duffy
by brduffy.
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Hi,I have been testing an IAP in my app. The payment succeeds but when I test the count property on transaction.downloads it is 0. I have uploaded my content for the product and the product shows the content package date and time of upload in the details on App Store Connect. I didn't have any trouble uploading the product according to these instructions ... IAP's status are "Waiting for Upload" (I don't know if that makes any difference). I don't want to submit the app or the IAP's for review before testing the download of hosted content. Any ideas?ThanksBrian Duffy/// Extends StoreObserver to conform to SKPaymentTransactionObserver.extension StoreObserver: SKPaymentTransactionObserver { /// Called when there are transactions in the payment queue. func paymentQueue(_ queue: SKPaymentQueue, updatedTransactions transactions: [SKPaymentTransaction]) { for transaction in transactions { switch transaction.transactionState { case .purchasing: break // Do not block your UI. Allow the user to continue using your app. case .deferred: print(Messages.deferred) // The purchase was successful. case .purchased: handlePurchased(transaction) print("success") if transaction.downloads.count > 0 { print("downloadable") // Can't see the hosted content here for some reason !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! } // The transaction failed. case .failed: handleFailed(transaction) print("failure") // There are restored products. case .restored: handleRestored(transaction) @unknown default: fatalError("\(Messages.unknownDefault)") } } } /// Logs all transactions that have been removed from the payment queue. func paymentQueue(_ queue: SKPaymentQueue, removedTransactions transactions: [SKPaymentTransaction]) { for transaction in transactions { print ("\(transaction.payment.productIdentifier) \(Messages.removed)") } } /// Called when an error occur while restoring purchases. Notify the user about the error. func paymentQueue(_ queue: SKPaymentQueue, restoreCompletedTransactionsFailedWithError error: Error) { if let error = error as? SKError, error.code != .paymentCancelled { DispatchQueue.main.async { self.delegate?.storeObserverDidReceiveMessage(error.localizedDescription) } } } /// Called when all restorable transactions have been processed by the payment queue. func paymentQueueRestoreCompletedTransactionsFinished(_ queue: SKPaymentQueue) { print(Messages.restorable) if !hasRestorablePurchases { DispatchQueue.main.async { self.delegate?.storeObserverDidReceiveMessage(Messages.noRestorablePurchases) } } }}
by brduffy.
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HI,My project bypasses storyboards, I like to keep everything in code that I write myself. Can SwiftUI be used this way? Also, how powerful is SwiftUI? Is it just for writing simple user interfaces or can it be used to write highly customized ones that rival a programatic approach?ThanksBrian Duffy
by brduffy.
Last updated