I've finally started a support request. It's getting too annoying doing this build/testflight dance all the time. Fingers crossed I'll get help. @rgarciah did you get any closer to resolving this issue?
Unfortunately I used the same bundle id as in my main project (I used another bundle id and another team id when I got it to work).
I'll test with a new bundle id, but my suspicion is that something is broken with the current (cached?) xcode cloud setup for this team. I've "deleted xcode cloud data" and waited a couple of days for possible caches to clear but still no luck (:
Is there any way to reset ALL xcode cloud data (incl. provisioning profiles etc.)? Is there a way to get help from Apple with that? And what's the proper channel in that case?
Anyone? Anything? Quinn where are you ;)?
Update: I switched to another team, changed the bundle id etc. and got it to work for that other team!
But still no luck with the original project setup. I think it's the automatically generated provisioning profiles that are incorrect. It looks like its an "iOS Team Provisioning Profile" that is used but what I really want is a "iOS Team Store Provisioning Profile".
Is there a way to delete these profiles?
They are not visible in https://developer.apple.com/account/resources/profiles/list
I've tried to regenerate the automatic profiles but unchecking/checking "Automatically manage signing" in Xcode (validating that the "Code Signing Identity" is "Apple Distribution" in-between tries, but with no luck... Still getting the development profile and build error:
{App} has conflicting provisioning settings. {App} is automatically signed for development, but a conflicting code signing identity Apple Distribution has been manually specified. Set the code signing identity value to "Apple Development" in the build settings editor, or switch to manual signing in the Signing & Capabilities editor.
Same here but with Bitbucket, getting:
"Connecting Xcode Cloud with your source control provider was incomplete"
Same issue here for new workflows. Some existing workflows seems to still work.
Same goes for us. Missing the latest releases. Xcode 12.4.