This has been broken for me on three separate occasions. The kextload trick fixed it the first time, but these last two times (last on RC2) I was seeing this in Console:
realpath for /private/var/db/mds/messages/501/se_SecurityMessages failed: 2
And these commands fixed it:
sudo mkdir -p /private/var/db/mds/messages/501/se_SecurityMessages
sudo chown {my username} /private/var/db/mds/messages/501/se_SecurityMessages
I have no idea why that folder was missing from my startup disk, nor why mds wouldn't automatically recreate it. The moment I ran that second command, though, the SMB share mounted immediately.
"me too", although I need the SSID, not the BSSID.
Please post your bug number, just for the record.
FB14545806: ER: Interface to acquire WiFi SSD from a headless launch daemon