Yes I am trying to do something very similar. Basically a counter where I want to use siri to have the counter incremented. I have things coded per what was released in the WWDC 2022 info, but I can't seem to get the counter to work. On the surface it seems very very simple right. Basically increment a variable based on a siri command but I am struggling to get this function to work as well. Would love to see some more documentation on this.
Actually what I am seeing is that in the preview my temps are rounded to whole number in Fahrenheit, but once I push it to my iPhone 13 pro, most temps are showing with 3 decimal places??? I tried the above modifier but that did not work. Maybe I am applying it wrong.
I have tried it on an iPhone 15 with iOS 17.0.1 and 17.2. Also tried it directly to my actual iPhone 13 which is iOS 17.4.1.
As far as deployment targets. I assume you mean the section called Deployments under the Build Settings on the App? If so, nothing has changed there as my iOS deployment target is still 16.0. Not sure what else I should be looking at from that perspective.
I was able to open the info.plist with no problems. I did not get a message to upgrade anything.
Not sure if that info helps much. I appreciate the help.
So it seems it might have to do with google ads. At the end of the text there is a reference to a file that would equate with this.
Couldn't stat /Users/kenboonejr/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/9DA22E46-E160-4BE4-80A8-C314BDE04F81/data/Library/Caches/ Forge Pocket No such file or directory
User Info: {
DVTErrorCreationDateKey = "2024-04-27 14:42:03 +0000";
IDERunOperationFailingWorker = IDELaunchiPhoneSimulatorLauncher;
SimCallingSelector = "installApplication:withOptions:error:";
I do get this error message on the simulator no matter which phone type I run it on.
This is a travel companion app that I wrote directly. I am no expert in this by any means though. I have another travel companion app that is just like this but a few revisions behind and it is kicking out the same error message.
I downloaded Xcode 15.2 and it works fine in that. Go figure.