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I'm struggling to understand how to use launchctl enable/disable instead of launchctl load/unload on 10.11 15A279bThe specific issue is I want to disable mongodb so it no longer starts at boot:manoa:~ mike$ ps -ef|grep [m]ongo manoa:~ mike$ launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.mongodb.plist manoa:~ mike$ ps -ef|grep [m]ongo 501 1722 1 0 9:12AM ?? 0:00.09 /usr/local/opt/mongodb/bin/mongod --config /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf manoa:~ mike$ launchctl disable ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.mongodb.plist Usage: launchctl disable <service-target>The man page for launchctl states:launchctl allows for detailed examination of launchd endpoints. A domain manages the execution policy for a collection of services. A service may be thought of as a virtual process that is always available to be spawned in response to demand. Each service has a collection of endpoints, and sending a message to one of those endpoints will cause the service to launch on demand. Domains advertise these endpoints in a shared namespace and may be thought of as synonymous with Mach bootstrap subsets. Many subcommands in launchctl take a specifier which indicates the target domain or service for the subcommand. This specifier may take one of the following forms:I'm lost without some concrete example/tutorial at this point. Which domain is my plist a part of (or can it sit across several?)Is there a WWDC session that covers how to understand what the difference is between:system/[service-name]user/<uid>/[service-name]login/<asid>/[service-name]gui/<uid>/[service-name]session/<asid>/[service-name]pid/<pid>/[service-name]Is <service-target> from the Usage: help one of the above choices or something else?manoa:~ mike$ launchctl list|grep mongo 1722 0 homebrew.mxcl.mongodbWhat is service-name specifically in this case? manoa:~ mike$ launchctl disable pid/1722/homebrew.mxcl.mongodb Could not disable service: 1: Operation not permitted
by bmike.
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