In this documentation: distributing-documentation-to-external-developers, it seems that .doccarchive file can only be opened directly in Xcode or hosted in a website.
In my circumstance, I am distributing my swift static framework by turning on BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION. There are some symbols such as struct/class/function/property, and they must be marked as public to meet the requirement of compiler. But I really discourage my clients to use these symbols.
One of the approach is to remove them from the code completion suggestion of Xcode.
In another documentation: documenting-a-swift-framework-or-package, it is said that:
The compiler integrates directly with Xcode to enhance your existing workflow, including code completion, Quick Help, and more.
I am wondering if it is possible that I ship my framework with a .doccarchive file. And when my clients use my binary framework, Xcode can use my .doccarchive file when doing code completion and showing quick help of the code?