




Reply to getStateOfContentBlocker does not return new state on iOS 15.4
Am seeing the same issue on iOS 15.4. getStateOfContentBlocker returns the correct state on initial app launch, however if the state is then changed in the background while the app is running and getStateOfContentBlocker is called again it will return the incorrect initial state of the content blocker, not the correct changed state. This bug does not occur on iOS 15.3 and earlier with the exact same code. Doesn't seem to be a fix unless the app is killed and re-launched.
Mar ’22
Reply to getStateOfContentBlocker does not return new state on iOS 15.4
It also looks like SFContentBlockerManager.reloadContentBlocker(withIdentifier:completionHandler:) also doesn't work on iOS 15.4 (at least in the iOS simulator, likely also on device). Calling this method does not reload the content blocking rules for the identified content blocking extension. You need to manually turn the content blocking extension off and on to have the rules reloaded which breaks my app.
Apr ’22