




Reply to Navigation: update multiple times per frame
I have the same issue where appending to the path for a NavigationStack and seeing "Update NavigationRequestObserver tried to update multiple times per frame." I can't reproduce it in a simple app but in my real app I have this message and 100% CPU usage and freezing issues. If I can determine a cause I will update here.
Nov ’22
Reply to How do I pass a binding to a focus state?
Another way to do this: struct Parent: View { @FocusState var focusedField: UUID? var body: some View { VStack { Child(focusedField: _focusedField) } } } struct Child: View { @FocusState var focusedField: UUID? @State var someText: String = "" @State var someTextFieldUUID: UUID = UUID() var body: some View { VStack { TextField("Focusable field", text: $someText)             .focused($focusedField, equals: someTextFieldUUID) } } }
Jan ’22
Reply to XCode 13 is super slow, build time is 10~20 times longer than Xcode 12
I narrowed this issue down to a single SwiftUI file that causes the problem. When I remove this file the build completes in under 2 minutes. There is a simple code fix for this issue by moving about 10 lines of code into a view it seems to solve it. I submitted the Xcode project using feedback assistant. The code is too long to post here. I am working on reducing the code down so I can post it once I get to that point.
Sep ’21