Also worth to check if there isn't a typo/difference in service name between info.plist and your NWBrowser's type or NWListener.Service's name.
Any luck solving this issue? I'm facing the same issue. This makes NSItemProvider.loadFileRepresentation useless:(
Seems the only way to access it is via AVAssetExportSession, AVPlayerItem or AVAssetImageGenerator (maybe some more). Kind of a bummer :(
This was so useful feature, now it's SO broken. Apple please bring it back (revert if possible)
I'm seeing this issue in one of the apps I work on. I saw it first in crashlogs (Bugsnag) in July but last 2 weeks the number of reported crashes skyrocketed. The app doesn't explicitly use the SKStoreProductViewController. It uses"itms-apps://") and the SKStoreReviewController.requestReview(), I'm not sure which one of these uses the SKStoreProductViewController. What is very odd, the other 2 apps that use the same way to show the other product app pages don't have this crash in their logs.
Edit: I saw somebody mentioned the issue could be related to AdMob. This app also uses AdMob, the other 2 apps don't use AdMob.
It's enough to disable bitcode in the build settings. No need to set strip swift symbol to No.
BUT with bitcode disabled on iOS 12.1.2 the images using Comopression: GPU Smallest size don't show up!!!!
They show up fine on iOS 12.5.5 and iOS 10.3.4 (Didn't have other devices). This is a big issue.
Apple: please revert changes you did.
I had exactly the same issue, getting emails from angry users :(
I'm also interested in this, when I google for Delay Frame Swap the only result is this post :(
Same here, I don't see "App Life Cycle" timeline, regardless I have the Time Profile selected.
I have exactly the same issue using Xcode 14.2, but it works fine using Xcode 14.3.1.
I have the same issue when running tests on my local machine from the command line. (Xcode 14.3.1)
I can see the following errors reported in Bugsnag, the app is waiting for the review (there are no new products added):
"NSLocalizedDescription": "An unknown error occurred",
"NSUnderlyingError": "Error Domain=ASDServerErrorDomain Code=3506 \"Missing application adam id or bundle id.\" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=Missing application adam id or bundle id.}"
"NSLocalizedDescription": "An unknown error occurred",
"NSUnderlyingError": "Error Domain=ASDServerErrorDomain Code=3504 \"This item cannot be found.\" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=This item cannot be found.}"
I have the same problem Xcode 14.3.1, the workaround (disable running tests in parallel) didn't help.
Any resolution? We see a large number of users in production affected by this, doesn't matter the iOS version (13.x-17.x)
Thank you!