I have a CollectionView with Drag and Drop and Context Menu functionality. There's a memory leak caused by returned [UIDragItem] array in ItemsForBeginning method when I initialise cell's context menu.
Objects are being kept in memory when I pop to rootViewController. All is OK though when drag session was happened.
I've ended up commenting out everything, keeping blank UIDragItem and problem is still there:
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, itemsForBeginning session: UIDragSession, at indexPath: IndexPath) - [UIDragItem] {
let dragItem = UIDragItem(itemProvider: NSItemProvider(object: "" as NSString))
return [dragItem]
Does anybody experience this?
Looks like it's a UIKit bug...
Please help!
Hi dear Apple developers!
I need help to solve memory leak issue with CollectionView and UIContextMenuConfiguration I'm struggling few weeks with.
I have a fairly simple setup - Main ViewController and pushed ViewControllers with CollectionView within NavigationController.
All is Ok with memory during navigation back and forth until I use CollectionViewCell's Context Menu (calling contextMenuConfigurationForItemAt method and returning even blank ContextMenuConfiguration instance). So when I pop ViewController, objects are being kept in memory after that. I think called UIContextMenuConfiguration instance causes retain cycle. I just cannot find similar case or way to solve this.
One thing. I see deinit happens in popped ViewController but not with its CollectionView Cell.
Please help!