I need help confirming the contents of my Disk Utility lists etc. If anyone could please take some time to help me I would appreciate it. I have called apple support for months now because I have been hacked by my EX and others who are very big names in this area. Im sure some of you will even know the people or person involved and doing this to me, which is why this is so scary and hard for someone who knows nothing about technology to defend themselves against. So please if someone can find it in them to help stop the peopsons activley ruining my life I would be forever in your debt! I am getting to the point where helplessness is setting in and I am going to get to a point where I will not be able to get my life back or be happy again if this is not solved. I have screenshots, screen recordings and there are things in my directory utility that i dont believe belong there, however apple refuses to be able to confirm or deny this. Below are screenshots of my directory utility:
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