We observe a similar behavior here: When using AVPlayer on multiple tracks (say 1 video and 2 audio), randomly on each .play() the front audio track seems to be skipped! Did you by any chance figure out a fix?
Did you by any chance manage to fix this problem? We are experiencing the same thing starting the 2nd character!
For anyone coming across this in Xcode 13.3 (13E113): Apparently starting this version one must use the MARKETING_VERSION and CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION build settings in the companion app target, and avoid using the Info.plist for that purpose. Doing this solved the problem on our side.
Thanks to Apple FB Engineers for swift response.
Same problem here.
First build is fine.
Starting second build we get crash reports (see attachment) on XCBBuildService. After that, we get weird "Cycling Dependency" compiler errors (on dependencies that do not depend on each other). Cleaning the project makes it work but things re-start after the first build!
Problem only since 13.3. 13.2.1 is totally fine.
For people coming to this thread from the Web: The accepted answer does not resolve the issue! The PRPreviewViewController is apparently Full Screen and one should just change the modalPresentationStyle to .overFullScreen to see the result fit on iPhones.
When connecting to an "AirPlay 2", you loose audio Input as the corresponding AVAudioSession is incompatible with Recording/PlayAndRecord categories; at least in the AVAudioEngine context.
This is what we are experiencing at least when AirPlay 2 is getting connected. We have submitted Feedback FB8996889 to Apple on this issue after discussions during WWDC.
But some Apps seem to go around this by using low-level CoreAudio AUnits. Any feedback on this would be very welcome!
Has anyone achieved weak linking with PencilKit? It seems like we have to switch back to ObjC on this... Just wondering before undertaking the migration of concerned class!
Thanks! Have any idea if joining threads as such would be backward compatible let’s say iOS 12,13 underneath?