I am working on an camera extension for macOS 12.3 and later. This extension acts as a webcam for a WebRTC stream from a different device, you can imagine it like a IP webcam.
To the issue at hand. I use the native WebRTC library from google and on macOS 13 it works like a charm. But on macOS 12.3 it gives me the following console error while gathering the ICE candidates:
Sandbox: bundle id(PID) deny(1) network-bind*:0
I only found this related issue here but I already included the entitlements for client and server from the beginning. And as mentioned it works on macOS 13.
Some additional information is that the local ICE candidates show only TCP offers on macOS 12.3 but also include the for me needed UDP offers on macOS 13.
Does anyone know how to fix this issue? Or can tell me why UDP is not an option from a camera extension?