Yes, I am checking it in install.log in Console app.
I am fairly new to installer and adding the postinstall script to package. whatever help I could get on postinstall scripts, I collected it by google. I don't know how It is supposed to work and Is the correct way to load the app?
By google, I know this much that open command will run any application given if the application is locate at correct path. I think, for my case the path is also correct. Maybe you are right, due environment issue it might not be running. So, What do you suggest on changes that need to do in postinstall script to open the application right after installation.
I changed the env to "/bin/bash" still application did not open after the installation. I have attached log of installer of the application.
I agreed that, macOS installers does not open installed targets but I have since couple of installer which has launch option in the summary part of installer and even if you check Zoom installer, you will see that it opens up right after installation is completed. I'm not sure about how to add the launch option in the installer but postinstall script seems to be easiest way to do it at least for me.
Installer log -