
Post marked as solved
6 Replies
Hello:I'm currently working on my first app which I'm looking at releasing throught the Mac App Store - but I'm not sure if what I'm trying to do is not allowed, or if I'm just being ******.My app is a helper for another manufacturer's app, and will need to write to the other app's ~/Library/Application Support folder - so I have:Enabled the App Sandbox in my application target;Edited the entitlements file to add an array named '', which in turn has a single string entry of '/Library/Application Support/'.Yet, when I attempt to get the Application Support folder URL withlet applicationSupportURL = FileManager.default.urls(for: .applicationSupportDirectory, in: .userDomainMask).firstthen I get this returned: file:///Users/<username>/Library/Containers/<appBundleID>/Data/Library/Application%20Support/(Note: once I get this working with the Application Support folder, then I'll further narrow it down to just the required folder I need.)Attempting to get the user to select the appropriate folder via an OpenPanel (and thus address it via a security-scoped URL) is not desirable:It's the same folder on every system that my app addresses, so why should I have to ask for it?As it's in ~/Library, it's difficult to get users to reliably find that folder, considering it's usually hidden.What am I missing?Thanks.
by antonyc.
Last updated