
Post not yet marked as solved
2 Replies
How to reproduce the bug:Set iPhone Language to English.Set iPhone Language to Deutsch.Turn the "24-Hour Time" switch off.Turn the "24-Hour Time" switch on.Create the empty project with "Sing View App" template.Paste the following code: print(DateFormatter.localizedString(from: Date(), dateStyle: .none, timeStyle: .short)).Build and run the project. The output will be in 12-Hour Format. At this time the func is ignoring the "24-Hour Time" switch in the Settings.Set iPhone Language to English.Turn the "24-Hour Time" switch on.Set iPhone Language to Deutsch.Run the project. The output will be in 24-Hour Format. At this time the func result is correct.Turn the "24-Hour Time" switch off.Turn the "24-Hour Time" switch on.Run the project. The output will be in 12-Hour Format. At this time the func result is incorrect.
by anomaly86.
Last updated