Were you able to redirect DNS requests?
I've done the same code as above, still not working.
Thanks for your feedback I really appreciate it.
Yeah sorry, it is NEFilterControlProvider.
If filterBrowsers is not supported on macOS, How do I implement a working demo?
I'm building a mac application that blocks URLs based on categories.
For eg. If a user tries to open vimeo.com, It must be blocked.
Is there any alternative to achieve that?
I tried your code this way, doesn't work,
Is there anything wrong here?
`class FilterDataProvider: NEFilterDataProvider {
override func startFilter(completionHandler: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) {
let exampleRule = NENetworkRule(
remoteNetwork: NWHostEndpoint(hostname: "https://www.vimeo.com/", port: "0"),
remotePrefix: 0,
localNetwork: nil,
localPrefix: 0,
protocol: .TCP,
direction: .any
let filterRule = NEFilterRule(networkRule: exampleRule, action: .drop)
let filterSettings = NEFilterSettings(rules: [filterRule], defaultAction: .drop)
apply(filterSettings) { error in
if let applyError = error {
os_log("Failed to apply filter settings: %@", applyError.localizedDescription)
override func stopFilter(with reason: NEProviderStopReason, completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void) {
override func handleNewFlow(_ flow: NEFilterFlow) -> NEFilterNewFlowVerdict {
return .drop()
I've uploaded iOS app to store. but content filter is not working,
What's your 2nd approach?
will it work after uploading app to store and all users will be able to access content filter?
Can you please help out here?
I'm using same version for both main and extension.
still not working.