




App is excluded from capture but triggers frames capturing
Hello, I'm playing with the ScreenCaptureKit. My scenario is very basic: I capture frames and assign them to a CALayer to display in a view (for previewing) - basically what Apple's sample app does. I have two screens, and I capture only one of them, which has no app windows on it. And my app excludes itself from capture. So, when I place my app on the screen which is not being captured, I observe that most didOutputSampleBuffer calls receive frames with Idle status (which is expected for a screen which is not updating). However, if I bring my capturing app (which, to remind, is excluded from capture) to the captured screen, the frames start coming with Complete status (i.e. holding pixel buffers). And this is not what I expect - from capture perspective the screen is still not updating, as the app is excluded. The preview which the app displays proves that, showing empty desktop. So it seems like updates to a CALayer triggers screen capture frame regardless of the app being included or excluded. This looks like a bug to me, and can lead to noticable waste of resources and battery when frames are not just displayed on screen, but also processed somehow or/and sent over a network. Also, I'm observing another issue due to this behavior, where capture hangs when queueDepth is set to 3 in this same scenario (but I'll describe it separately). Please, advise if I should file a bug somewhere, or maybe there is a rational explanation of this behavior. Thank you
Feb ’24