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I'm building an app that uses an image picker and PhotoKit.I'd like to use a button of type favorites, but it has disappeared!The Apple Documentation states that UITabBarItem.SystemItem.favorites is still available.However, the star shaped favorites is not available when I have attempted to set a UITabBarItem in a storyboard or in code.Ideally, I'd like to use the heart button that Apple uses in the photos app.I can effect a reasonable workaround by using the code provided by Apple in their PhotoBrowse sample app... favoriteButton.title = asset.isFavorite ? "♥︎" : "♡"The same HIG Apple Documentation confirms the existence of, however that cannot be used to set a UIBarButtonItem.Maybe the AWESOME new SF Symbols feature will provide the solution, however nothing suitable appears under the heading "Symbols for Use As-Is". Regardless, I'm still running Xcode Version 10.2.1 and building for iOS 12, so as far as I'm aware, that feature is not yet available to me.I know it's only a little problem, but it is really annoying that I cannot seem to access a system favorite or love icon for my asset.isFavorite state.Any advice would be appreciated.
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