
Post marked as solved
25 Replies
problem still occurs with the 12.0.1 update. I have tried the various suggested workarounds but none of them work for me; although as noted by others the command line git push, pull, clone, etc work ok which indicates that the problem might be related to how the default credential helper (osxkeychain) works? Any update on the status of your filed bug?
Post marked as solved
25 Replies
problem occurs with released version of Xcode 12 also.
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10 Replies
I had the same problem; I ended up writing a simple server script using node js packages which has both a http server package and mysql package (and file system package) so the lines of code was about 120; this included the ability to send binary image and pdf files back also which was necessary for my application. The mysql result sets are sent back as JSON dictionary collections which can be easily parsed on the client side into appropriate data model classes. (There were some issues with accessing files if the file path on the server contains & characters so this also added some code on both client and server).
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3 Replies
I am on a paid account which I have had for many years (and am the account owner). For this project I am using the Xcode code signing mechanism. As I mentioned it works fine for iPad device but not the iPhone. I do not have (or am on) any other accounts.