"How do you make the check ?" - I described in the question how to check, it is very simple, just try to create this object SCNReferenceNode and the next line try to get referenceURL, what is the result you get?
Isn't there a alekseytimoshchenko in your company? - yes, Did you clean with Clean Build Folder ? - I cleaned it with Shift + cmd + K is it what you mean?
I cloned the project from our company repo (I am not sure if it is important), and yes, I tried to clean the project
Before all thanks for the explanation, but I didn't get your idea about the byte count, doesn't it really a byte count? I mean it is a number of bytes in the memory, no?
Also, I would like to clarify that the method getAudioByteData retrieves the entire track in one step, so there is no need to call it multiple times in order to reach the actual start of the data (hence my seek logic is going to be simpler).
Also following your advice I got the idea and I think that seek logic could work the next way: user start the playback and after (eg:) 5 sec click on seek +10sec so first of all I know the number of playback samples that have already passed
internal var currentFrame: AVAudioFramePosition {
let lastRenderTime = player.lastRenderTime,
let playerTime = player.playerTime(forNodeTime: lastRenderTime)
else {
return 0
return playerTime.sampleTime
then I just need to add + 10 sec offset like this bytes_seek_offset = samples_offset * num_channels * 2 and the result will be like this
fullOffset = currentFrame + bytes_seek_offset, right?
The final step will be to get the orig unsafeRawPointer and create the new one but with fullOffset
Does it look good?