HiDid you solved the problem?I have simillar problem. my team provisioning profile doesn't include the com.apple.developer.driverkit entitlement.so I can't compile it.
Hi.I had same problem. After signing App with "Developer Applicatoin ID", the app can launched.But if i select activate button, activation request always failed with below error.sysex didFailWithError Error Domain=OSSystemExtensionErrorDomain Code=8"Invalid code signature or missing entitlements" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Invalid code signature or missing entitlements}I edit system extension identifier on the code and driver's property.Any idea to solve this?
The developer team that I am part of got the entitlements required for driverkit.Can you tell me how did you get driverkit entitlements?Case I am stuck in getting driverkit entitlements.Is it just requesting entilements in web site(https://developer.apple.com/system-extensions/)?
HiCan you tell me how can get necessary entitlements from apple? I'm stuck with this..I think driver's init and start should be called after plug-in your device.(Of course activate the extension first)
Thank you for your reply.It's been a week since I sent the request, but I was in stuck because there was no response.In your case, how long did it take to get a response?BTW, how about add bInterfaceClass and bInterfaceSubClass etc. to your plist for matching more closely.I'm sorry I haven't been there yet, so I can't help much.
HiI was request entitlements a month ago.I am still wait for get entitlements. Because you mentioned it takes around 2 month in the other thread.
Hi seeni,Did you find any clue for this?Cause I am looking for the same thing.I am trying to change kext to dext. IOModemSerialStreamSync and IOSerialStreamSync class should be replaced..Thanks.
Hi, vanillanI have the same question about it.Did you find the way How to use DriverKit for transmission of network data packets?And In my code, when create IOUserNetworkRxSubmissionQueue with following code, alway occured the assertion failed.IOUserNetworkRxSubmissionQueue::Create(ivars->networkBufferPool, this, 10, 0, ivars->defaultQueue, &ivars->rxSubmissionQueue);ivars->networkBufferPool : Created IOUserNetworkPacketBufferPoolivars->defaultQueue : getting default Dispatch Queue(IODispatchQueue)Any advice is appreciated.
I already have entitlement about "com.apple.developer.driverkit.userclient-access".
So in application can IOServiceOpen - https://developer.apple.com/documentation/iokit/1514515-ioserviceopen?language=objc and IOConnectCallMethod - https://developer.apple.com/documentation/iokit/1514240-ioconnectcallmethod?language=objc.
I checked that works fine.
But I can't use IOConnectSetNotificationPort - https://developer.apple.com/documentation/iokit/1514541-ioconnectsetnotificationport?language=objc method.
DriverKit doesn't include registerNotificationPort - https://developer.apple.com/documentation/kernel/iouserclient/1400665-registernotificationport.
So if I call IOConnectSetNotificationPort, return value is kIOReturnUnsupported.
Did you find the way to adding provisioning profile to a command line tool?
Hello, sl149q
Have you solve this problem?
Cause i have similar problem.
The RegisterEthernetInterface() call is returning a result of 0x3dcbd500 in Monterey.
This code works correctly on both Catalina and BigSur, too.
Any idea or suggestions would be welcome!!