




Reply to Apple Watch Missing Developer Mode Option
I tried everything mentioned on this thread and nothing worked. What worked for me was the following steps: Shutdown Xcode. Disconnect iPhone from your Mac. On your iPhone, go to Developer and tap on Clear Trusted Computers. Power down iPhone. Power down Apple Watch. Restart iPhone. Restart Apple Watch. Start up Xcode. Don't open your project just yet. Attach phone to your Mac. Xcode -> Windows -> Devices & Simulators. There should be a banner across the top of the D&S window indicating that the phone and/or phone and watch is/are getting ready for development. Wait for that to complete. When complete, open your project and run on the watch. I hope this helps and happy coding!
Apr ’24
Reply to Unable to build project for localization string extraction
I'm using Xcode Version 15.4 (15F31d) and was only able to export my localizations after deploying the app on a physical device. It was only after running the app on my iPhone that the localization export worked. I couldn't find any documentation about this issue. I also tried various xcodebuild commands in the terminal, but none of them worked. Running the app on a real device was the only solution that succeeded. Cheers!
Jun ’24