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Since iOS 16.1 we are getting crash reports that the the app is crashing when we call JSONDecoder.decode() using some Decodable as parameter. Those crashes are coming from two totally different parts of the app we have not changes for over a year. The one is our Restclient and the second the Lottie library. BACKGROUND THREAD 13 - CRASHED libobjc.A.dylib objc_msgSend CoreFoundation __exceptionPreprocess CoreFoundation __NSDictionaryI_new Foundation newJSONObject Foundation newJSONValue Foundation newJSONValue XX-App-AppStore XXRestClient.RestClientImpl.(decode in _A44A6D10715BFBCEC7551A9DE0CC1D8B)<A where A: Swift.Decodable>(_: Foundation.Data?, identifier: Swift.String) -> Swift.Result<A, XXRestClientAPI.RestClientError> RestClientImpl.swift:373 XX-App-AppStore closure #1 (Foundation.Data?, __C.NSURLResponse?, Swift.Error?) -> () in XXRestClient.RestClientImpl.(dataTask in _A44A6D10715BFBCEC7551A9DE0CC1D8B)<A where A: Swift.Decodable>(_: Foundation.URLRequest, identifier: Swift.String, handler: (Swift.Result<A, XXRestClientAPI.RestClientError>) -> ()) -> XXRestClientAPI.RestClientTask RestClientImpl.swift:229 The second stacktrace MAIN THREAD - CRASHED libobjc.A.dylib objc_msgSend CoreFoundation ____NSDictionaryI_new_block_invoke CoreFoundation __NSDictionaryI_new Foundation newJSONObject Foundation newJSONValue Foundation newJSONValue HC-App-AppStore function signature specialization <Arg[4] = Dead> of static Lottie.Animation.named(_: Swift.String, bundle: __C.NSBundle, subdirectory: Swift.String?, animationCache: Lottie.AnimationCacheProvider?) -> Lottie.Animation? AnimationPublic.swift:67 does anybody else experience similar issues? Is there a Bug in iOS 16.1 ?
by agiokas.
Last updated