When using an Intents configuration with Widget Extension, the compiler will generate code for your configuration. But in Xcode 14, this generated code now contains warnings:
Method 'confirm(intent:)' with Objective-C selector 'confirmConfiguration:completion:' conflicts with method 'confirm(intent:completion:)' with the same Objective-C selector; this is an error in Swift 6
It seems that in Xcode 14 this generated code now contains async versions of its methods, but that these methods have the same objc selectors as the non async versions:
public protocol ConfigurationIntentHandling: NSObjectProtocol {
optional func confirm(intent: ConfigurationIntent, completion: @escaping (ConfigurationIntentResponse) -> Swift.Void)
optional func confirm(intent: ConfigurationIntent) async -> ConfigurationIntentResponse
optional func handle(intent: ConfigurationIntent, completion: @escaping (ConfigurationIntentResponse) -> Swift.Void)
optional func handle(intent: ConfigurationIntent) async -> ConfigurationIntentResponse
Is there a new way to handle widget configuration in Xcode 14? Or is this just a massive oversight? I have treat warnings as errors enabled (as everyone should) so this prevents my app from building.
Filed as FB10338460