




Reply to What causes "issue_type = overload" in coreaudiod with USB audio interface?
Same thing happening over here as well; I have 2 older MacBook Pros (2014, and 2019) which don't exhibit these issues, but the new M1 Pro MacBook Pro is driving me insane with audio dropouts and glitches on an USB Scarlett 2i2 as well as the internal speakers. Connecting the USB device directly or via the hub does little to nothing, dropouts persist. Killing coreaudiod also doesn't do anything. What I've noticed is that, after a reboot, it's slightly more stable, and gradually goes from 1-2 times a minute to 10-15 times per minute over the course of the day. I've attached the related coreaudiod console logs to some of the dropouts happening. coreaudiod audio dropouts console logs
Jun ’22