




Reply to Network system extension : invalid signature or entitlements
typedef NS_ERROR_ENUM(OSSystemExtensionErrorDomain, OSSystemExtensionErrorCode) { OSSystemExtensionErrorUnknown = 1, OSSystemExtensionErrorMissingEntitlement, OSSystemExtensionErrorUnsupportedParentBundleLocation, OSSystemExtensionErrorExtensionNotFound, OSSystemExtensionErrorExtensionMissingIdentifier, OSSystemExtensionErrorDuplicateExtensionIdentifer, OSSystemExtensionErrorUnknownExtensionCategory, OSSystemExtensionErrorCodeSignatureInvalid, OSSystemExtensionErrorValidationFailed, OSSystemExtensionErrorForbiddenBySystemPolicy, OSSystemExtensionErrorRequestCanceled, OSSystemExtensionErrorRequestSuperseded, OSSystemExtensionErrorAuthorizationRequired,} NS_ENUM_AVAILABLE_MAC(10.15);so 8 would be OSSystemExtensionErrorCodeSignatureInvalidDid you update your provisioning profile when you changed the entitlements ?
Mar ’20
Reply to codesign failure in xcodebuild
Have you tried looking for messages from sysextd etc in the console ?The error messages from sysextd can be very helpful sometimes.If you filter on your bundle-id or a prefix of your bundle id then try doing whatever it is that's failing you might see some more information about the actual problem.
Mar ’20
Reply to receiveMessage doesn't seem to be receiving UDP messages
Once your connection is 'ready' you simply need to call receiveMessage() once.When a message is available your completion handler will be invoked.Once you have handled that message you can call receiveMessage() again from your completion handler if you want to receive further messagesAs far as I can tell from the code you have posted you are blocking the caller of your state update handler by calling your listen method which is simply sitting in a loop calling receiveMessage() which is probably preventing the 'connection' from doing anything else.
Jun ’20
Reply to Get socket's file descriptor in NEFilterDataProvider callbacks
Have you checked whether the library you are using is actually embedded in your SystemExtension ?At "installation time" it is going to be copied out of the App into a directory under /Library/SystemExtensions, so it needs to be entirely self-contained.For example, if it is linked against a non-OS framework, that framework needs to be in /Library/SystemExtensions/<UUID><your-system-extension>/Contents/Frameworks
Jun ’20
Reply to NEDNSProxyProvider sandbox violation system-privilege 10006
While processing outbound DNS queries via 'flows' we may attempt to open a TLS connection to port 443 or a TCP or UDP connection to port 53 using the Network framework As far as we know these always succeed. From the stack trace it appears that the problem occurs when the NetworkExtension is attempting to set up an NEAppProxyUDPFlow before handing it to us. It is not clear what the connection is if any between that and what we are doing via the Network framework
Sep ’21