




Matter Enabled iOS Application
Hello fellow developers, I am in the process of developing an iOS application that support the Matter Framework. My goal is to enable user to commission their Matter-enabled device to a fabric and control them through the fabric. However, I stumbled upon a few questions and areas that I would greatly appreciate guidance on: Commission Process What is the recommended steps to successfully commission a Matter-enabled device? Using the Matter API I have reviewed the provided sample app in the CHIP repo. However, I find it a bit complex to understand fully (background context: I am a junior developer and have never work on iOS development before). I replicated the app using Swift since the sample is written in ObjC but often times got stuck on [connection] nw_read_request_report [C1] Receive failed with error "Operation timed out" log. How to effectively use the Matter API to handle commissioning, device control and other interactions with Matter-enabled devices? Keypair generation I have noticed that the framework doesn't provide an API with the keypair generation (correct me if I am wrong). What is the best practice or resources for handling the keypair generation within the Matter context? Matter Support vs Matter framework I need clarification on the roles of these two framework. From my understanding, MatterSupport adds Matter devices into my ecosystem(?) while Matter framework handles the commission and control in the Matter fabric. And we can use the Matter framework within the MatterSupport using the request handler to commission Matter-enabled device.
Aug ’23