Where does Mac developers usually sell their Apps?
The Mac App Store seems crowded with a lot of low quality products.
Any idea why such error when Apple Silicon enabled?
Too many arguments to function call, expected 0, have 3
On line id serializedObject = deserializedObjectFromObjectIMP( cls, @selector(deserializedObjectFromObject), [ dict objectForKey: @"object" ] );
(id)deserializedObjectFromDictionary: (NSDictionary *)dict
NSString *className = [ dict objectForKey: @"class" ];
Class cls = NSClassFromString( [ self classNameForSerializedClassName: className ] );
if( cls == nil ){
[ NSException raise: NSInvalidArgumentException format: @"Cannot deserialize instances of class %@ : Class not found.", className ];
return nil;
IMP deserializedObjectFromObjectIMP = DMObjectSerializationFindImplementationForSelector( cls, @selector(deserializedObjectFromObject:) );
if( deserializedObjectFromObjectIMP == NULL ){
[ NSException raise: NSInvalidArgumentException format: @"Cannot deserialize instances of class %@ : Class does not respond to deserializedObjectFromObject.", className ];
return nil;
id serializedObject = deserializedObjectFromObjectIMP( cls, @selector(deserializedObjectFromObject), [ dict objectForKey: @"object" ] );
return serializedObject;
Any idea why such error when Apple Silicon enabled?
Too many arguments to function call, expected 0, have 3
The error is on line NSMethodSignature *ret = instanceMethodForSelectorIMP( self->targetObjectClass, @selector(instanceMethodSignatureForSelector:), aSelector );
(NSMethodSignature *)methodSignatureForSelector: (SEL)aSelector
//DEBUGLOG( @"" );
id obj = [ self resolveTargetObject ];
if( obj == nil ){
Method instanceMethod = class_getClassMethod( self->targetObjectClass, @selector(instanceMethodSignatureForSelector:) );
IMP instanceMethodForSelectorIMP = method_getImplementation( instanceMethod );
NSMethodSignature *ret = instanceMethodForSelectorIMP( self->targetObjectClass, @selector(instanceMethodSignatureForSelector:), aSelector );
return ret;
return [ obj methodSignatureForSelector: aSelector ];
My project is defined with Standard Architectures (Apple Silicon, Intel) but when I want to build, I only see Intel option. Cannot figure why.
//:configuration = Debug
//:completeSettings = none
I was wondering if anybody have an example how to download a PDF file from a WKwebView. It seems that it's now possible since macOS 11 but I cannot find any example for macOS. let's say you have a PDF link inside a webview, how to get the document?