I am facing the same issue. Can anyone suggest how to fix it? I want to work on the .sceneDepth data.
How do we go back to iOS 14 beta one?
Hi. @phil_bed
Were you able to resolve the issue?
I was running the code on Xcode Beta 2. It works with Xcode Beta 3! I can access the depth data successfully.
I am using the default ARKit implementation. I just used the .sceneReconstruction meshWithClassification property.
the default mesh rendered by ARKit is a rainbow colored mesh. I want to override the colors. Will the above suggested approaches still work? Is there a sample talking about writing custom renderers?
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you.
Hi @brandonK212
I am trying to work around a similar problem. Were you able to achieve the desired results? Can you please help me as to how to achieve this?
Hi @brandonK212
Do you have a GitHub repo for your solution? I was trying to implement what you proposed but ran into some issues. If you can please provide access to your used code, it would help me a lot. Thank you.
Hi @brandonK212
Is it possible to share your code? For exporting the .ply with texture?