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In a production app, I am setting the httpMaximumConnectionsPerHost property to 1 on a URLSessionConfiguration object when creating a URLSession. This allows me to queue a number of downloads, but only download 1 file at a time. Recently I noticed that all queued files download simultaneously on iOS 10 devices. Has anyone else noticed this change? Is this intentional or a bug?Note: I am setting the value of httpMaximumConnectionsPerHost both before and after creating the session, because of a post I found months ago that suggested that some properties of URLSessionConfiguration must be set after creating a URLSession in order for them to take effect. let configuration = URLSessionConfiguration.background(withIdentifier: sessionIdentifier) configuration.httpMaximumConnectionsPerHost = 1 session = URLSession( configuration: configuration, delegate: self, delegateQueue: nil ) session.configuration.httpMaximumConnectionsPerHost = 1
by adarr.
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