




Trouble Getting RealityKit audio to play
I can't figure out how to get audio from my RealityKitContentBundle to play on Vision Pro... I have a scene in Reality Composer Pro called "WinterVivarium" which contains a 3D model of a tree, a particle emitter, a ChannelAudio entity, and an audio file (m4a) with 30 minutes of nature sounds. The 3D model and particle emitter load up just fine on my device, but I'm getting an error when I try to load the audio... Swift file below. When I run the app and this file gets called it throws the following error: "Error loading winter vivarium model and/or audio: The operation couldn’t be completed. (RealityKit.__REAsset.LoadError error 2.)" ChatGPT tells me error code 2 likely means "file not found" but I'm not sure on that one... Please help! import SwiftUI import RealityKit import RealityKitContent struct WinterVivarium: View { @State private var angle: Angle = .degrees(0) var body: some View { RealityView { content in let audioFilePath = "/Root/back-yard-feb-7am.m4a" let audioEntity = Entity() do { let entity = try await Entity(named: "WinterVivarium", in: realityKitContentBundle) content.add(entity) let resource = try await AudioFileResource.load(named: audioFilePath, from: "WinterVivarium.usda", in: RealityKitContent.RealityKitContentBundle) let audioController = audioEntity.playAudio(resource) } catch { print("Error loading winter vivarium model and/or audio: \(error.localizedDescription)") } } } #Preview { WinterVivarium() }
Feb ’24