




Comment on Using NWConnectionGroup over UDP for implementing multicast group over multicast IP & given port range.
Hi @eskimo, QUOTE If you really need to have multiple apps on the same device listen for multicasts on the same port, your best option right now is to use BSD Sockets )-: UNQOUTE Will BSD socket approach work on all Apple OSes - macOS, iOS, iPadOS, tvOS, watchOS? QOUTE This is a known bug in Network framework (r. 105227856). UNQOUTE How can we track bugs? and check their status?
May ’24
Comment on Some fundamental doubts about DisptachQueue and GCD
We would be creating N NWListener objects and M NWConnection objects in our process' communication subsystem to create server sockets, accepted client sockets on server and client sockets on clients. Both NWConnection and NWListener rely on DispatchQueue to deliver state changes, incoming connections, send/recv completions etc. We have no option but to use GCD and DispatchQueue. Atleast for now.