Hi i'm new to swift just started learningI want to convert string to date format then convert the date format to a string to pass it down to a label, was trying out several steps.Steps Performedlet date = "2020-07-13T18:51:53.928+0000"
let formatter = DateFormatter()
let date2 = formatter.date(from: date)
formatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ"
let dateString = formatter.string(from: date2)
print("The Modified Date \(dateString)")Result:The Modified Date nilThanks🙂
Hi,I'm trying to achive something like this. View.. Scrollview... Label1... Label2... Label3... Label4... Label5... CollectionView.... Cell..... Content View...... Label 1...... ...... Label nSo the problem is scrollview is working fine and i'm able to pass the data on Label 1, Label 2, Label 3, Label 4, Label 5. But collection view is not being displayed. The method which i'm trying out is it correct or is there an alternative way to implement ?Thanks
Hi,I tried to strech the cell and give constraints to each and every label to occupy the full width still the cell does not occupy the full width any idea how to fix thisThanks
I have JSON Structure
name: "Boo",
title: "Hello Boo",
value: [
subject: 88
name: "Foo",
title: "Hello Foo",
for decoding Purpose i performed this
struct Students: Decodable {
let name: String,
let title: String,
let value: ValueHeader
struct ValueHeader: Decodable {
let subject: Int?
fileprivate func fetchTaskItems(completion: @escaping (Result<[Students], Error>) -> ()) {
guard let url = URL(string: jsonString) else { return }
URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { (data, response,err) in
if let err = err {
do {
let taskItem = try JSONDecoder().decode([Students].self, from: data!)
} catch let jsonError {
i get an error as
valueNotFound(Swift.KeyedDecodingContainer<App.ValueHeader.(unknown context at $10fd991dc).CodingKeys>,
I tried giving an optional to subject still not working any idea how to deal with this type of JSON
Can Anyone help me out in decoding this JSON
		"name": "Foo",
		"age": 34,
		"activities": [
						"test1": "testing",
						"type": "xyz",
						"three": {
								"label1": "Testing1",
								"content": [
												"mark1": "markTest1",
												"mark2": "markTest2"
						"test2": "Running",
						"type": "zzzz",
						"three": [
										"label2": "Testing1"
										"label2": "Testing1"
i did something like this
extension UIView {
@IBInspectable var cornerRadius: CGFloat {
get {
return layer.cornerRadius
set {
layer.cornerRadius = newValue
layer.masksToBounds = newValue > 0
And added the corner radius under
Keypath | Type | Value
layer.cornerRadius | Number | 15
but the question is i want the rounded edges only on the top. Any idea how to implement it..?