I've been developing a Playground that works just fine on the Swift Playground app on Mac. I used the Swift Playground Author Template from Apple.
Is it a Swift Playground or an Xcode Playground? I'm a bit confused given that I tested my Swift Playground on Mac, not on iPad.
I see everyone talks about submitting .swiftpm and not .xcodeproj. How can I compile everything into a .swiftpm?
I have a Swift Playground Book.
Hello everyone!
I'm trying to start off a Swift Playground Book from Apple's "Swift Playground Author Template" for Xcode 13. I've downgraded from Xcode 13.3 to Xcode 13.2 for compatibility issues. This seems to be working just fine, but the problem is, every time I build the project I need to run the generated playground in the Products folder (hidden by default) > "Debug-iphoneos" > Playground.playgroundbook.
Yes, this isn't clean at all, and it runs on my machine, a Mac, not an iPad. Isn't there some clever way of running an iPad emulator for testing the playground? I'm developing on an M1 Mac, if that's of any help.
Thank you for reading