Did you ever solve this?
I'm running into the same problem: FileManager.trashItem() deadlocks when wrapped in NSFileCoordinator.coordinate(writingItemAt:) on macOS Catalina. The code works fine on macOS Mojave.
From the stacktrace, it looks like FileManager uses its own NSFileCoordination block and that can't get access to the file, because of the outer block:
2692 static MoveToTrashOperation.trashItem(:parentIsAttachmentsFolder:fileNamesOfFilesThatCanBeDeleted:changePropagator:) (in AppFramework) + 474 [0x10f497d0a]
2692 NSFileManager.coordinatedTrashItem(at:) (in AppFramework) + 711 [0x10fc12727]
// This is my file access block: 2692 NSFileCoordinator.coordinate<A>(writingItemAt:options:byAccessor:) (in AppFramework) + 858 [0x10fc0deca]
2692 -[NSFileCoordinator coordinateWritingItemAtURL:options:error:byAccessor:] (in Foundation) + 91 [0x7fff35294473]
2692 -[NSFileCoordinator(NSPrivate) coordinateWritingItemAtURL:options:error:byAccessor:] (in Foundation) + 742 [0x7fff35294774]
2692 -[NSFileCoordinator(NSPrivate) withAccessArbiter:invokeAccessor:orDont:andRelinquishAccessClaim:] (in Foundation) + 531 [0x7fff3518b68f]
2692 _85-[NSFileCoordinator(NSPrivate) coordinateWritingItemAtURL:options:error:byAccessor:]blockinvoke.340 (in Foundation) + 219 [0x7fff353d165a]
// A second time? 2692 _73-[NSFileCoordinator coordinateWritingItemAtURL:options:error:byAccessor:]blockinvoke (in Foundation) + 102 [0x7fff35294905]
2692 -[NSFileCoordinator invokeAccessor:thenCompletionHandler:] (in Foundation) + 143 [0x7fff35247b74]
2692 thunk for @escaping @calleeguaranteed (@inguaranteed URL) -> () (in AppFramework) + 141 [0x10fc0bf8d]
2692 thunk for @calleeguaranteed (@inguaranteed URL) -> () (in AppFramework) + 12 [0x10fc0beac]
2692 closure #1 in NSFileCoordinator.coordinate<A>(writingItemAt:options:byAccessor:) (in AppFramework) + 225 [0x10fc0e281]
2692 partial apply for closure #1 in NSFileManager.coordinatedTrashItem(at:) (in AppFramework) + 16 [0x10fc12b60]
2692 closure #1 in NSFileManager.coordinatedTrashItem(at:) (in AppFramework) + 363 [0x10fc1293b]
2692 -[NSFileManager trashItemAtURL:resultingItemURL:error:] (in Foundation) + 156 [0x7fff352d3f0c]
2692 -[NSFileManager(FPAdditions) fptrashItemAtURL:resultingItemURL:error:] (in FileProvider) + 454 [0x7fff3506ff1a]
2692 dispatchsemaphorewaitslow (in libdispatch.dylib) + 98 [0x7fff6ca04fbf]
2692 dispatchsema4wait (in libdispatch.dylib) + 16 [0x7fff6ca04aed]
2692 semaphorewaittrap (in libsystem_kernel.dylib) + 10 [0x7fff6cb9ee36]
What did you end up doing? I have the same question. I'd like to take my app from In-App Purchases to paid upfront and not have the "Offers In-App Purchases" showing while still being able for versions of my app to restore their purchases.
Were you ever able to solve this? I'm running into the same issue. Restoring works fine pre-Catalina, but fails on 10.15.3 and 10.15.4.Thanks!