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I'm trying to find a way to remove instances with names as empty strings from my array that receives the data. how do I modify my filter to do that.       self.cPlayerArr = fillPlayers.filter(){             $0.yahooName != "" }    func parseJSON(completed: @escaping () - ()) {     let url = URL(string: "")     let decoder = JSONDecoder()     let appDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate //- Intentionally using forced casting.     decoder.userInfo[.managedObjectContext] = appDelegate.persistentContainer.viewContext     URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url!) { (data, response, error) in               if error == nil {         do {           let fillPlayers = try decoder.decode([CurrentPlayers].self, from: data!)           self.cPlayerArr = fillPlayers.filter(){             $0.yahooName != ""           }           let json = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data!, options: [])           print(json)                       DispatchQueue.main.async {             completed()           }         } catch {           print("JSON Error: ", error)         }       }             }.resume()   } extension CurrentPlayers {   @nonobjc public class func fetchRequest() - NSFetchRequestCurrentPlayers {     return NSFetchRequestCurrentPlayers(entityName: "CurrentPlayers")   }   @NSManaged public var photoUrl: String?   @NSManaged public var firstName: String?   @NSManaged public var lastName: String?   @NSManaged public var position: String?   @NSManaged public var team: String?   @NSManaged public var yahooName: String?   @NSManaged public var status: String?   @NSManaged public var jerseyNumber: Int64 } extension CurrentPlayers : Identifiable { }
by ZoneX.
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I'm trying to find a way to remove instances of empty names in my array. I was trying to find the indices to remove them but it does not print. I could use a little help.    func filterArr() {     for (index, player) in cPlayerArr.enumerated() {       if (player.yahooName == "") {         print("Found \(player) at \(index)")       }     }   } extension CurrentPlayers {   @nonobjc public class func fetchRequest() - NSFetchRequestCurrentPlayers {     return NSFetchRequestCurrentPlayers(entityName: "CurrentPlayers")   }   @NSManaged public var photoUrl: String?   @NSManaged public var firstName: String?   @NSManaged public var lastName: String?   @NSManaged public var position: String?   @NSManaged public var team: String?   @NSManaged public var yahooName: String?   @NSManaged public var status: String?   @NSManaged public var jerseyNumber: Int64 } extension CurrentPlayers : Identifiable { }
by ZoneX.
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I downloaded the pod "youtube-ios-player-helper", "~ 1.0.3" and minutes after importing it I get the error No such module 'youtube_ios_player_helper'. Did I install the pod correctly? podfile target 'LearnHockey' do  use_frameworks!  pod "youtube-ios-player-helper", "~ 1.0.3" end
by ZoneX.
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So I am using core data and I have to make my class Decodable to use the decoder for my get request. The errors I get are 'self' used in property access before 'super.init' call in my CoreDataClass each of my decode values has the error. CoreDataProperties extension CurrentPlayers {   @nonobjc public class func fetchRequest() - NSFetchRequestCurrentPlayers {     return NSFetchRequestCurrentPlayers(entityName: "CurrentPlayers")   }   @NSManaged public var photoUrl: String?   @NSManaged public var firstName: String?   @NSManaged public var lastName: String?   @NSManaged public var position: String?   @NSManaged public var team: String?   @NSManaged public var yahooName: String?   @NSManaged public var status: String?   @NSManaged public var jerseyNumber: Int64 } extension CurrentPlayers : Identifiable { } CoreDataClass @objc(CurrentPlayers) public class CurrentPlayers: NSManagedObject, Decodable {       enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {     case photoUrl = "PhotoUrl"     case firstName = "FirstName"     case lastName = "LastName"     case position = "Position"     case team = "Team"     case yahooName = "YahooName"     case status = "Status"     case jerseyNumber = "JerseyNumber"   }       required public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {     let values = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)     photoUrl = try values.decode(String.self, forKey: CodingKeys.photoUrl)     firstName = try values.decode(String.self, forKey: CodingKeys.firstName)     lastName = try values.decode(String.self, forKey: CodingKeys.lastName)     position = try values.decode(String.self, forKey: CodingKeys.position)     team = try values.decode(String.self, forKey:     yahooName = try values.decode(String.self, forKey: CodingKeys.yahooName)     status = try values.decode(String.self, forKey: CodingKeys.status)     jerseyNumber = Int64(try values.decode(Int.self, forKey: CodingKeys.jerseyNumber))   } }
by ZoneX.
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I'm trying to transfer a tableview cell from my hockeydetailVC to my favouritesVC using a button and I can't transfer it due to some issue. My hockeydetailVC protocol addThis {   func addFav(data: CurrentPlayers) } I'm trying to transfer my item object var item: CurrentPlayers?	   var delegate: addThis? = nil	 func sendData() {     if delegate != nil {       let data = item!       delegate?.addFav(data: data)       print("This is the data being transferred: \(data)")     }   }       @IBAction func addToFav(_ sender: Any) {     sendData()     print("Favourite button Pressed")   } My favouritesVC  var currentFav: CurrentPlayers? func addFav(data: CurrentPlayers) {     currentFav = data   } I have a segue for my button so I have this   override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {   if segue.identifier == "r" {     let hockeyDetailVC: HockeyDetailVC = segue.destination as! HockeyDetailVC     hockeyDetailVC.delegate = self   }  } If the transfer works then my sendData() method up top would print a statement but my addToFav only prints "favourite button pressed".
by ZoneX.
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I am wondering if there is a way to get UIScrollview to scroll horizontally and vertically in storyboard instead of of just one direction?
by ZoneX.
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I'm trying to add an image to my project and I want it to take up most of the phone's screen but my issue is the resolution is very low and the image is fuzzy, the image is originally small but I am wondering if there are any tricks you can do with swift to make the resolution better at larger sizes. I tried a rounded image but that did not help me.
by ZoneX.
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So I have a searchBar that works when you type in part of the name of a player or players and filters them but when you delete a character or more in the searchbar it does not show anything, I need help trying to add that as a condition in my func.  func searchBar(_ searchBar: UISearchBar, textDidChange searchText: String) {     if searchText == "" {       parseJson()     } else if searchText != "" {       cPlayerArr = cPlayerArr.filter({ (player) -> Bool in return         player.yahooName.lowercased().contains(searchText.lowercased())       })     }     collections.reloadData()   }
by ZoneX.
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I'm trying to make my sliders at 0 make no shape but the issue is when any slider hits 0 it makes the shape go to its maximum size. What should I do? func goToZero() {     if otSlider.value == 0 {       otWidth.constant = 0       print(otWidth.constant)     } else if efSlider.value == 0 {       efWidth.constant = 0     } else if ifSlider.value == 0 {       ifWidth.constant = 0     }   }
by ZoneX.
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I have animations on my 2 labels and I can't seem to click on them, I am not sure where the problem lies. override func viewDidLoad() {     super.viewDidLoad()     let tapGestureR = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(self.tapRev))     revLabel.addGestureRecognizer(tapGestureR)     revLabel.isUserInteractionEnabled = true     let tapGestureP = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(self.tapPro))     proLabel.addGestureRecognizer(tapGestureP)     proLabel.isUserInteractionEnabled = true     buttonNext.layer.cornerRadius = 10     animatePro()     animateRev()   }    func animatePro() {     UIView.animate(withDuration: 2, delay: 0, options: [.autoreverse], animations: {       UIView.setAnimationRepeatCount(100)       self.proLabel.transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: 1.5, y: 1.5)     }){ (finished) in         self.proLabel           .transform = CGAffineTransform.identity     }   }       func animateRev() {     UIView.animate(withDuration: 2, delay: 0, options: .repeat, animations: {       self.revLabel.transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: 1.5, y: 1.5)     }){ (finished) in       UIView.animate(withDuration: 2, delay: 0, options: .repeat, animations: {         self.revLabel.transform = CGAffineTransform.identity       })     }   }           @objc func tapRev() {     print("gesture rev fired")     self.labelGC.text = "Ultimately, customers are our sources of \nrevenue , and financial stability."     revLabel.alpha = 0     proLabel.alpha = 0   }       @objc func tapPro() {     print("gesture pro fired")     self.labelGC.text = "Ultimately, customers are our sources of \nprofit , and financial stability."     proLabel.alpha = 0     revLabel.alpha = 0   }
by ZoneX.
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is there a way to type into a textField while having the other textFields disabled but then after you type into that textField having those other textFields you disabled enabled again? I know how to disable them with .isUserInteractionEnabled but I don't know how to enable them again with func textFieldShouldReturn.
by ZoneX.
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I have an issue trying to transfer a number (numText) in a textField. When I type a number it prints 0. func sendTypedNumToParent() {     if anotherNum != nil {       let data = numText       anotherNum?.sendTyped(data: data)       print("this is the typed number being transferred \(data)")     }   } I know I have the number when I enter it because I can print it in my return function. What is the issue here? func textFieldShouldReturn(_ textField: UITextField) -> Bool {     textField.resignFirstResponder()     let text = textField.text     let numText = originalNum           if revNumber.text == text {       revSlider.value = Float(numText) / 6.75675675676       revHeight.constant = CGFloat(revSlider.value)       if numText < 316 {         revLabel.text = ""       } else {         revLabel.text = "Revenue"       }     } &#9;&#9;print("I typed this \(numText)")     sendTypedNumToParent()     let name = Notification.Name(rawValue: typedCal) name, object: nil)     return true   }
by ZoneX.
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I'm trying to understand why my if statement does not work. the numText should change based on it but it does not. func textFieldShouldReturn(_ textField: UITextField) -> Bool {   textField.resignFirstResponder()   let text = textField.text   var numText = originalNum   //when you enter a value it will affect, the slider and squareOne width value will change and squareTwo width will change   if widthPer.text == text {     if numText >= 10 || numText <= 90 {     print(numText)     squareIntW = Int(numText)     squareOneWidth.constant = CGFloat(numText) * 2     slider.value = Float(numText)     squareTwoWidth.constant = CGFloat(100 - numText) * 2     squareIntWTwo = Int(100 - numText)     calPercentage()     calPercentageTwo()     } else if numText > 90 { //should not be over 90       numText = 90       print(numText)       squareIntW = Int(numText)       squareOneWidth.constant = CGFloat(numText) * 2       slider.value = Float(numText)       squareTwoWidth.constant = CGFloat(100 - numText) * 2       squareIntWTwo = Int(100 - numText)       calPercentage()       calPercentageTwo()     } else if numText < 10 { //should not be under 10       numText = 10       print(numText)       squareIntW = Int(numText)       squareOneWidth.constant = CGFloat(numText) * 2       slider.value = Float(numText)       squareTwoWidth.constant = CGFloat(100 - numText) * 2       squareIntWTwo = Int(100 - numText)       calPercentage()       calPercentageTwo()     }   }     //when you enter a value it will affect, the sliderHeight and squareOne height will change and squareTwo height will change   if heightPer.text == text {     if numText >= 10 || numText <= 90 {     squareIntH = Int(numText)     squareOneHeight.constant = CGFloat(numText) * 2     sliderHeight.value = Float(numText)     squareTwoHeight.constant = CGFloat(100 - numText) * 2     squareIntHTwo = Int(100 - numText)     calPercentage()     calPercentageTwo()   } else if numText > 90 { //should not be over 90     numText = 90     squareIntH = Int(numText)     squareOneHeight.constant = CGFloat(numText) * 2     sliderHeight.value = Float(numText)     squareTwoHeight.constant = CGFloat(100 - numText) * 2     squareIntHTwo = Int(100 - numText)     calPercentage()     calPercentageTwo()   } else if numText < 10 { //should be under 10     numText = 10     squareIntH = Int(numText)     squareOneHeight.constant = CGFloat(numText) * 2     sliderHeight.value = Float(numText)     squareTwoHeight.constant = CGFloat(100 - numText) * 2     squareIntHTwo = Int(100 - numText)     calPercentage()     calPercentageTwo()   }   }   return true }
by ZoneX.
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Is there a way for the app not to crash if the user taps on 2 or more textFields without filling them in with numbers?
by ZoneX.
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