Hi,I've a issue with integrating swift packages into projects that were created via e.g. xcode 10 (pre 11).I see added library in 'Swift Package Dependencies' correctly, it's in 'Frameworks, Libraries and Embedded Content' section of target's settings as well as in 'Link Binary With Libraries' section of 'Build Phases'If I create a new project then everything works smothly. A few things that I've already tried:- Copy swift package manualy (by drag and drop) into the project- Add package via file://LocalURL- I've compared info.plist, build settings and schemes beteen old and new project (Maybe I've missed something, my guess is that the issue is in build settings but I can't find it)The result is always the same, if I import SPM library in any file I get an error "No such module 'ExampleFramework'"Any ideas? Thanks in advance for any help