It is not the only problem. onDrag is re-called even after onDrop is successfully performed. Issue is only on iOS 18
It seems I forgot to include the second error:
One particular thing that got my interest is the following: I opened the IDEDistribution.critical.log file, and saw the following issue:
Account "Session Proxy Provider": Unable to authenticate with App Store Connect (Error Domain=DVTITunesSoftwareServiceFoundation.DVTServicesSessionProviderCredentialITunesAuthenticationContextError Code=1 "(null)")
I got the the same issue here. All was fine like 5 days ago. Don't know what to do next... By any chance, were you able to fix it?
The accepted answer is not recommended. Remember, with the extension you are overriding the default behavior of the UITableViewCell. And the change you made will affect your whole project. You do not have to send the contentView to Back. Your mistake is in adding subviews directly to the cell. Instead, you should do:
I had the same issue, and resolved by adding subviews to the cells contentView.