Keep getting error like this when directly using usdz output:Warning: in _AssetLocalizer at line 698 of /Users/sergei/repos/USD/pxr/usd/lib/usdUtils/dependencies.cpp -- Failed to resolve reference @gumpop.mp3@ with computed asset path @gumpop.mp3@ found in layer @/tmp/usdzupdate/assetB/assetB.usdc@.bash-3.2$ usdzaudioimport /Users/jimmygunawan/Desktop/assetA.usdz /Users/jimmygunawan/Desktop/assetAX.usdz --audio /Users/jimmygunawan/Desktop flush.caf -auralMode spatialInput file: /Users/jimmygunawan/Desktop/assetA.usdzOutput file: /Users/jimmygunawan/Desktop/assetAX.usdzWarning: in _AssetLocalizer at line 698 of /Users/sergei/repos/USD/pxr/usd/lib/usdUtils/dependencies.cpp -- Failed to resolve reference @flush.caf@ with computed asset path @flush.caf@ found in layer @/tmp/usdzupdate/assetA/assetA.usdc@.bash-3.2$ usdzaudioimport /Users/jimmygunawan/Desktop/assetA.usdz /Users/jimmygunawan/Desktop/assetAX.usda --audio /Users/jimmygunawan/Desktop flush.caf -auralMode spatial -vmy solution is to output as usda, then convert to usdz, then it works..maybe the audio import does not like slash
And still the embedded audio is not showing on Reality Composer, however it does playback on ARQuickLook, in loop.
If you mean using Video Texture? Currently I believe it can only be possible to assign video as texture for 3D via XCode as an app. Not USDZ.
After --audio you gotta specify PATH and FILENAME, not just FILENAME.
usdzaudioimport /Users/MrX/Desktop/test/monkeyhead.usdz /Users/MrX/Desktop/test/monkeyheadx.usda --audio /Users/MrX/Desktop/test flush.caf -auralMode spatial -playbackMode onceFromStart
And so far it works for me if I use USDA, then convert to USDZ.
Unfortunately Reality Composer does not seem to read the embedded sound. But however, XCode might be able to load the sound ?
Still monitoring this issue, I think we might need to wait.
Reality Converter app is still at 0.62. That one need an update. While latest USDPython was in April 2020. I tested USDZConvert with 0.64 just now, ARQuickLook is not displaying Blendshapes animation.
Is the AR things being postponed?
Wait... did you say if the AR animation / video is longer than 10 seconds, it would playback on ARQuickLook? So far I manage "video playback" to run as video texture inside XCode app.
In my case, even with Arguments Passed, I am getting error:
`Using configuration: Configuration(isObjectMaskingEnabled: true, sampleOverlap: RealityFoundation.PhotogrammetrySession.Configuration.SampleOverlap.normal, sampleOrdering: RealityFoundation.PhotogrammetrySession.Configuration.SampleOrdering.unordered, featureSensitivity: RealityFoundation.PhotogrammetrySession.Configuration.FeatureSensitivity.normal)
2021-06-10 11:33:13.182288+1000 HelloPhotogrammetry[3003:285460] Metal API Validation Enabled
Error creating session: cantCreateSession("Native session create failed: CPGReturn(rawValue: -11)")
Program ended with exit code: 1`
I am running it on MacBookPro 2017 mid and getting the same error ... oh no 🙈
Model Name: MacBook Pro
Model Identifier: MacBookPro14,3
Processor Name: Quad-Core Intel Core i7
Processor Speed: 2.8 GHz
Number of Processors: 1
Total Number of Cores: 4
L2 Cache (per Core): 256 KB
L3 Cache: 6 MB
Hyper-Threading Technology: Enabled
Memory: 16 GB
After searching around and people asking the same questions, apparently my MacBookPro 2017 Hardware does not support this photogrammetry ... 🙈 Is upgrading the only way or is this something that can be fixed?
Model Name: MacBook Pro
Model Identifier: MacBookPro14,3
Processor Name: Quad-Core Intel Core i7
Processor Speed: 2.8 GHz
Number of Processors: 1
Total Number of Cores: 4
L2 Cache (per Core): 256 KB
L3 Cache: 6 MB
Hyper-Threading Technology: Enabled
Memory: 16 GB
Ok, after updating to the latest XCode 13 beta, this issue disappear...
With latest macOS Monterey, the path is failed again even if I use USD.command
Error: failed to import pxr module. Please add path to USD Python bindings to your PYTHONPATH
UPDATED 10 March 2022:
Apple seems to release new version of Reality Convert that works again with Blender GLB!
March 7, 2022 Build
1A51 Compatibility
macOS 11.3 or later
I am testing the code with Swift Playground app on the macOS (from App Store), seems to work but the "image" comes as icon.