




Start Siri thanks to a BLE HID (GATT) device
HiWe are starting to build our own BLE device. We intend to send some simple commands to any smartphone through BLE like:Next music.Previous music.Play/Pause music.Start the smartpone voice assistant (Siri for instance).In short:Which Bluetooth or BLE profile should we use to start Siri thanks to a BLE device that doesn't own neither MIC neither speakers ?To be able to start Siri from a Bluetooth or BLE device, is there any MFI requirements (HW or SW)?Is there any procedure or guidance to start Siri from BLE device that doesn't embed its own MIC?You will find more details on what we have tried to do below:Our device doesn't have neither speakers, neither MIC, so Siri has to get the voice flow from the smartphone MIC, not from the device that asked to start Siri. From our point of view it seems that the best BLE profile that match our needs is the HID over BLE. Am I right or am I missing something ?The HID (over GATT BLE profile) has a command that allow to start Siri (refer to this website):Usage ID: 0xCFUsage Name: Voice CommandUsage Type: OSCSo it seems to be a good lead, but from now we didn't succeed to start Siri with this command. Do we need to implement any kind of MFI certification software or hardware (Apple Authentication Coprocessor v2.0c)?Is there any kind of procedure or guidance to be able to start Siri from a BLE HID device?Thank you in advance,Best regards,Yoan
Feb ’19